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I only own 1 duochrome polish. Seriously! What kind of nail art blogger am I?

I don’t t really care for them. Don’t get me wrong, they are pretty and look great on other people. On me, though, they show a very unflatter angle so I generally steer clear of them.

The only duochrome I own is Chanel’s Peridot. I bought it soon after it was released because IT WAS SO FREAKING PRETTY! Then I wore it. It looked awful on me. I rarely wear it but keep it on display.

Funny thing is I am really liking it right now. Maybe it looks better on tan skin? Maybe I changed my mind? That is the interesting thing about duochromes, the same polish always sparks different opinions on any given day.

I hope you like it!


DSCF0095_fotorI used 3 coats of Chanel Peridot as my base.

I sugar-spun with Zoya Yara.


Hi, my name is Monica and I have RA.

Don’t forget to check out the other manicures!