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During the Valentine’s Day mania I saw stamped hearts over red and pink, I saw watermarble heart decals in red and pink and white and finally I saw free-drawn hearts in red and pink and…yup, you guessed it, white!

I have a ton of heart stamps especially from the Pueen Cosmetics Love Elements collection but I hit a major creative block with this prompt. I felt nothing towards the traditional color schemes but didn’t know how to proceed otherwise. Finally, I decided on a darker, fiery gradient with some well, okay, white stamping on top.

Speaking of stamping and Valentine’s Day, I am seriously falling out of love with Seche Vite top coat. It smears ALL my nail art and it’s getting really irritating. Seriously, what’s going on? I wait a generous amount of time for the polish to dry. I don’t press down to hard on the brush when applying it. Some of these techniques, like gradients, take so long to begin with I am never in the mood to re-do one or two or more nails!

Anywho! I hope you like my heart nails!


Please excuse my nail shape, my fingers and just overall photo. I don’t know what’s up but my fingers look insanely thin with gargantuan nails attached to the tips. I shaped my nails yesterday and they looked great. My flare is almost gone and maybe I filed my nails to fit that swelling? I tried to position my hand to make everything look better but something still looks off 😦 And, on top of everything else, because of the flare my hands were so shaky I literally only got 2 non-blurry shots! Yikes!


DSCF3685_fotorI started with 1 coat of Barry M Gelly Mustard as my base.

I used a makeup sponge Milani Mauve Medley, American Apparel Neon Red and Barry M Gelly Mustard for the gradient.

I stamped with Pueen Cosmetics plate PUEEN41 and Konad Special Polish White.


Hi, my name is Monica and I have RA.